Endless Lists (free form short writing)

It’s all,

⁃ buy new shoes

⁃ Don’t forget to pay the nursery: 09:00 – £30 through July

⁃ Remember to email housing association

⁃ Check payslip for emergency tax

⁃ Ask about overtime: Thursday

⁃ Pick up prescription: Wednesday

⁃ Pack lunch bag : 08:00

⁃ Sort through baby clothes

⁃ Post office!!! Wednesday

⁃ Call a locksmith

⁃ Phone boiler guy

⁃ Change bedding

⁃ New TV: Friday – 7am-7pm

⁃ Drop off donations

⁃ Find toolbox

Day in, day out, lists keeping me going,

Keeping the world turning, ticking by

Another day. Another endless list…